MARLEY and the NC cross-section

MARLEY uses the following simplified differential cross-section expression for transitions to a given final nuclear state:


Where the B(GT) and B(F) form factors are the matrix elements of specific operators. For NC interactions, the form of these operators changes, but the overall expression remains the same.
This comes from boiling down the Donelly-Walecka formalism of the low-energy neutrino-nucleus x-sections to the allowed approximation, which consists on taking the 0-momentum transfer limit and truncating the nuclear current operator to 0th order in 1/mN (slow nucleon limit).
Steven Gardiner's thesis covers this in detail.
Note that this approximation works well up to 20-30 MeV but starts failing above these energies -especially for the angular distribution-, as the contribution of forbidden transitions starts to become relevant (see this paper).

The following papers have relevant information/calculations on the NC cross-section at low energies:

There are no complete calculations available that cover the whole energy range of interest (~4 to 100 MeV) and provide the relevant form factors (either B(GT) and B(F), the ones used in the MARLEY cross-section (allowed and impulse) approximation, or more general ones).
It should be relatively straightforward to get a first decent approximation on these form factors using a HF-QRPA method, which treats our region of interest (low lying excited states) correctly. GENIE has no available model with these characteristics:

So we will do it ourselves. The nuclear many-body problem is a rich and interesting problem where there is much room to explore and improve.